Monday, May 17, 2010

Dresses and Tuxes

My cousin let me do his cakes for the rehearsal dinner, and I was soo excited because I've been wanting to do these little cake dresses since before i took the class. My other cousins, also his sisters, helped me and we made 8 little wedding dress cakes (the dress bottom is about 4 inches in diameter) and the tuxedo cupcakes (their colors are yellow and green). This was my first try with fondant: I feel like its cheating because yeah, its incredibly easy to work with - think play-dough - but most people don't like the taste. I tried to use as little as possible, and hid cream cheese frosting under the skirts and jackets to try to make up for it. They sure look cute though! (That thing on the sticks is supposed to be a was too heavy and needed an extra support though which kinda ruined the effect... oh well). Oh, and in case you were wondering, there's homemade carrot cake under there - per his request. And to torture his brother, who shouted "I don't like vegetables in my cake!" when I asked what type of cake to make. Mwuahaha

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Strawberry MADNESS!

Yay cupcakes! These were homemade vanilla cupcakes, with a tiny bit of strawberry filling hidden inside, and cream cheese icing (Tastes the best, but sooo hard to decorate with!) Yum!

Mother's Day

We got some curly willow from a friend of ours who has a tree, and when it dries out the branches just look so cool. Mom used some to create a decorative piece over the window, but since I've been doing my Artist Trading Cards but with scrapbook images instead of my own art, I wanted to make a "Family Tree". So I took a few of the scrap branches, stuck them in a piece of dry floral foam in a pot, covered it with pebbles and hung my little cards all over it. It turned out cute and I think mom liked it.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

First homemade cake

Another shot at frosted roses, this time after being taught how. The consistency of my icing made my flowers look kind of ragged, but the teacher kept saying it was the right consistency...
This was my "graduation" cake from the cake decorating class, and also a birthday cake for a family friend. Also, it was the first one I made totally from scratch - the others were box cakes (I know...shame on me >.<). BTW, box cakes are good, but homemade cakes are sooooo much better. And the Bavarian cream filling helps too :d yum

Sunday, May 2, 2010


This was a really fun one! I got to make a dino themed cake! The chocolate rocks were an exciting find. :)

Wake up and smell the roses

Here's another attempt at cake decorating, this time with real roses... Real flowers are just way more pretty than anything made out of frosting could ever be...

void main()

This blog is purely intended as a journal to track my attempts to be creative. I'm hoping I'll do better with this one than the sketch diary I tried to make a few years ago.

So to start, I took a level 1 cake decorating class, and found I really like it. Since then I've been taking every opportunity to make a cake for my friends and relatives... There will be a few cakes on here.

This was my first attempt at cake decorating. I attended the first class, where she only taught us how to bake and ice the cake, and didn't teach any decorating, so I went home and tried to do it myself. Here is the result: